All good things come to an end


“Everything has to come to an end, sometime.”

As with all good stories, there is a beginning, a middle and an end.

Those who read this blog know that it’s been awhile since I posted. Certainly not for a lack of things to say (as I’m rather opinionated!) but for a lack of time, among other concerns.

And so, in the interests of keep priorities in check and doing what needs to be done (namely homework, now that I’ve gone back to school part-time), this blog has reached its end. While I feel it has gone out with a bit of a whimper, instead of a bang, that’s okay – it’s more dignified this way.

After October 4, this domain will expire. The blog will still exist as an archive, at If I wasn’t spending my time writing research papers, working full-time or spending hours on adventures with my dear fuzzy friend Atticus, I’d be right here with you ripping on bad music and other things that come to mind.

For those who have come here due to being related to me, or a friend: thanks for reading. For those who stumbled on here via Google or some other site, I hope you liked what you found. I know a lot of you read an article about my wisdom teeth – so just know that if you’ve found this article that 1) that post is still here and 2) your surgery is going to go just fine.

If you take anything away from this blog, take this: be kind. Be generous and be forgiving. We’re all living the human existence, and compassion is key.

See you around the bend.

Weird Al and Grammar

I know I haven’t posted in a long time. I’m not going to bother making excuses any more. It’s summer, so let’s just say I’m enjoying time outside.

I simply wanted to share this with you. As a professional communicator, this really speaks to me.

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it’s back to school I go!


Yes, it’s true! Four years after graduating college, and seven years after leaving the University of Ottawa, I’m headed back to get my long desired B.A!

I’ve always had the desire to go back and finish what I started, but the timing never lined up. However, with job stability, my own place and the time to do it, I am headed back to school. I’ll be studying at Ryerson, for a Bachelor of Arts in Governance and Public Administration.

I think what I’m taking with me this time is far more life experience than when I went to Ottawa in 2006. I really wasn’t ready to be so far away from the people I cared about most; I was a naive 18-year old and while I was successful in my classes, the people that I lived with in second year were… shall we say, not nice. This time around, I have the benefit of my own place, a full-time job and a program that is not only part-time, but geared towards people working in the public sector like myself.

My expectations are different this time too. When I went to Ottawa, I figured it would be much like high school: I would do well in my classes with very little effort. While I did well academically (except for stupid philosophy classes, which are awful), it sure as hell wasn’t easy. Luckily, I’ll be close to home and have friends/family who can help me out while things get crazy with school.

At the moment, the plan is to start with one or two classes for the first semester, and ease back in to it. If I think I can take on more in future semesters, I will. That said, I’m not in a rush: it’s a part-time program and I’ll be sure to take my time and do it right. My workload between work and school also needs to be factored in, and time with precious Atticus also must be considered.

Someone was teasing me, saying I’ll be a “mature” student. In fact, I think the opposite is going to be true: I’ll likely be one of the younger students in my program, as it is geared to those working in the public sector already. Then I was told I’ll need to blog about the experience: while I hope to be able to, obviously reading, homework and papers will take priority.

All in all, though, I’m excited. I think the combination of my communications experience and good background in the public policy world is going to be good and help me achieve my long-term goals. Sure, it’s a bit selfish to be focused on “me,” but whatever… At some point, you need to forget what others want from you and do what you want to do. For me, that starts in September with my return to campus.

LinkedIn: It’s Not Facebook!


This post is a classic demonstration of how eclectic my blog really is. I’ve gone from writing about outsider music, to a post-slash-rant on the downward spiral, as I see it, that the website LinkedIn is on.

LinkedIn is a great way to connect with professionals, colleagues and thought leaders. It provides a forum for discussion, through groups, on issues pertaining to your industry and professional interests. You can connect with old co-workers, research companies that you’re interested in working with and, to some extent, network with new people.

On the other hand, as I see it, Facebook is where you connect with your close friends and family. You share photos, make silly comments, send birthday wishes and all the other stuff that you can do comfortably with friends, but wouldn’t dare do in a professional setting.

The reason for this post, is the other day on LinkedIn, a connection had liked a photo. In this photo, was a boy holding a sign saying “I just beat cancer, can I get a million likes?” First: I’m not heartless. That’s great that cancer is being beaten, not just by him, but by thousands of people worldwide. But the photo stopped me in my tracks: why is a like-farming photo appearing on LinkedIn? That’s hardly appropriate!

I’ve noticed it sporadically on LinkedIn, but it continues to grow: photos being shared that are personal, or simply to get “likes.” To me, this is a downward spiral for LinkedIn. In my mind (and maybe I’m just not with the times), the photo sharing option on LinkedIn should be used for things like infographics, or for informational purposes. I don’t want to see photos of your new baby; that’s what Facebook is for!

Facebook is the personal space (but remember that on the internet, nothing is personal/private), whereas LinkedIn is just like your workplace: cordial, friendly but professional. I’ll always keep mine that way, and I hope to see more of my connections follow the same path.

The Return of Bad Music: BJ Snowden

Ah, bad music… Where would I be without you? You all remember Gnesa, Jan Terri and Farrah Abraham, if you read the blog regularly. However, through the app Rdio, I discovered the new reigning champion of bad music.

The singer’s name? BJ Snowden. BJ calls herself the “Queen of Outsider Music.” With that title, you already know it’s going to be good bad. Let’s get right to some examples, shall we?

In Canada

It’s always nice to be recognized, right? Well, perhaps in this case, we could have been overlooked. BJ sings a song dedicated to the greatness that is Canada. And while it’s true, we’re a nice, tidy people, I’m not sure her description is fully accurate. Or maybe it is, I just couldn’t make sense of it…

If you’re able to stick with the video to the end, be sure to enjoy how Alex Trebek’s face fades in over top of our flag. O Canada, indeed…

Valentine’s Day

Oh good, another song about a day. This can be added to the list alongside Friday, Thanksgiving and the sequel to Friday, Saturday. I also don’t know where the “ninety-nine” is, but it sounds like a cheap place for a date…

Judge Joe Brown

You’ve all seen the show while laying sick on the couch – Judge Joe Brown is alongside Judge Judy and the People’s Court. Thankfully, BJ helps us learn how to spell Joe as she shouts her song at us.

So, while I’ll always hold a soft spot for my dear friend Jan Terri, I think she’s been dethroned as one of the worst singers I’ve heard.

Re-discovering the library

I am an admitted book addict. I can plow through a book ridiculously fast and the fact that I only have one bookshelf in my apartment is something that’s going to need to change in the near future (given that it’s double stacked already).

Last year, I got myself a library card from the Toronto Public Library. I will admit, I didn’t use it often and when I packed to move, I misplaced it until recently (it was in a bag, for the record). After successfully renewing it, I can safely say I’m back in the library game!

While I will continue to buy books that I want to hold a place of honour on my shelf (though nothing will displace my signed Brian Mulroney memoirs), there are a number of shorter reads that I’ll start to grab from the library. In the past, I would buy these books. But as I start to clamp down on my spending, the library is a logical next step (as long as I remember to return books…).

More than the books though, I love being able to use the Overdrive app on my iPad to download e-books. I’ve already finished one (Terry Fallis’ The High Road) and started another (Susan Cain’s Quiet). This week, the library also launched Hoopla, which allows for access to movies, TV shows and music. While I won’t be rushing out to cancel my Netflix membership any time soon, it’s a nice extra feature to have!

The point of this  blog? Check out the library. It’s pretty awesome.

No, I’m not dead…

While the part about me leaving Facebook is accurate, I assure all of you that I’m very much alive.

After considering it for some time, and leaving temporarily a while back, I’ve deactivated my Facebook account with no intention to return. It’s day four of my removal and there are moments where I wonder what’s going on and my mind immediately thinks to go to Facebook. Having used it since 2006, I guess that’s a habit that will take a long time to break.

Ultimately, for me, I don’t see the value in Facebook anymore. 90 per cent of my posts are simply me ranting about politics; or talking about the latest episode of Dallas; or ranting about the politics happening on Dallas. I think, with Facebook, people often forget about having human interaction (or that human interaction involves immediately posting about it on Facebook).

When I really think about it, what am I going to miss by leaving Facebook? The answer: not a heck of a lot. Sure, I won’t get the impersonal birthday wishes that we’re all guilty of. “Oh hey! I remember her from high school! It’s her birthday! Happy birthday former friend who is now a complete stranger but I see you online all the time!”

And sure, I won’t get to see photos of your baby. Or your engagement ring. Or your baby’s x-rays because he ate your engagement ring… But that’s okay. We can have a conversation about it the next time I see you. In person. Or you can call me!

So sure, leaving Facebook isn’t quite as extreme as the family living like it’s 1986, but in the year 2014, it makes me an anomaly. I’m okay with that – and this is one post that nobody will be able to “like” on the monolith of personal information that is the Facebook.

Shifting Priorities

Much like the changing of the seasons (although, seriously winter? You can ‘eff off any time now), I’ve noticed this changing of priorities within my own life. Gone are the days where I wanted to go out every weekend; now, I’m content to stay in, do laundry, watch Netflix and relax on the couch with the dog.

I’ve never been a “partier” because, well, I just don’t see the value in every single weekend consisting of loud music, too much booze and packed bars. But I’ve noticed a pretty significant mellowing, particularly since I turned 25. I’d rather cook a nice meal and have a few friends over, or spend time with my family. I’ve also noticed my circle of friends tightening (which is good). The people who have been there, supported me and who make me think, and then laugh until I have to pee are the people who have remained in my life. That’s simply because they matter the most.

I’ve also noticed I’m becoming far more focused on how and where I’m spending my money. I used to be content with buying coffee every morning, eating lunch out every day and then bringing home take out (or, let’s be real: ordering in). But when you break that down, you’re looking at a crazy amount of money each month. Money that could be invested, put towards a trip or a rather extravagant shopping trip!

I guess, all in all, it’s a general maturation that has taken place. I’m comfortable with it because it feels natural. It’s a shift that has made me more career-focused, family-focused and a quiet life that makes me more than happy to live each and every day.

Are you alive?

Okay, so I admit: I haven’t really made good use of this blog lately; I apologize if you’re a devoted reader and been hungering for a new post. Things have been very, very busy. I promise, I’ll try to devote a few times a week to getting back on track.

So, what have I been up to? Well…

The Olympics


O Canada!

Yeah, the Olympics sucked me in once again this year. It wasn’t quite as fervent a dedication to them this year, as they weren’t being held on home soil like they were in 2010. That didn’t stop me from watching sports that I’ll never watch for another four years (curling, bobsleigh and luge come to mind). That said, it was a pretty exciting few weeks and for it to be topped off with both the Canadian women and men’s teams winning hockey gold, well… I was very excited. I even woke up in time to watch all but the first five minutes of the game. Pretty impressive for someone who despises mornings with a passion.

On a side note for the Olympics, I think it’s cool that they can be a uniting force and engage everybody. One thing I found particularly neat was that, through social media, I engaged with a former prime minister! Pretty Canadian to talk hockey with a former PM, if I may say so.

Bad Music

Oh yeah, there’s been some bad music found. I recently started using the app Rdio, which I highly recommend. It lets you listen to almost any album imaginable – including obscure ones that are hard to find these days.

The other benefit to this app is that it has led me to find some really bad music; from terrible covers of good songs, to perhaps the best thing ever… Mariachi versions of ABBA music. It is so bad, it’s good.


Work has been… an interesting few weeks! It’s certainly been an occasion to learn a lot about the issues management side of the public relations world. It never ceases to challenge (and sometimes frustrate) me. That’s the way of almost any job, though, so I can’t complain.

New Home

I’m all settled in the new place. Today, I finally broke down the empty boxes and took them to the recycling. Doing so freed up a lot of space in the living room, and I actually rearranged it ever so slightly. Now, I just need to buy the curtain rods for the living room and we’ll be all set.


"To a Whale of a Wife"

“To a Whale of a Wife”

My dearest friend in the whole wide world had a birthday recently. And, as she invited all of us to celebrate, we all canceled… I told her I had a conference to go to. Then we surprised her with a party anyways! As known die-hard Simpsons fans, naturally the cake was dedicated to “A Whale of a Wife.” We added “and a Super Friend” because, well, we aren’t all married to her.

And that, in a nut shell, is what’s been up! I promise to get more regular with the blogging again. I miss the engagement and the sharing of thoughts. It’s just been hard to get motivated and find the time when the rest of my life has been busy!

Slender: The Arrival (AKA the time I screamed)


I had to share my experience with this game, because a) it was terrifying and b) it was hilarious (when other people were playing).

Last night, at the house of my dear friends’, we played Slender: The Arrival on the Oculus Rift. Essentially, this is a virtual reality system that takes you in to the game. Turn your head and look behind you? You see what’s behind you in the game. Sure, the roller coaster was fun, but being chased by Slenderman? Not so much.


Me, in the terrifying virtual world

What makes this game terrifying on the Oculus Rift is the fear of knowing the creature is coming. You know you’re being stalked but you can’t see what’s after you. Many of us played, but we kept quitting when we got scared. I got scared by a For Sale sign that appeared (lame, I know). Nate got scared by the screams of a girl and then as we explored more, naturally the slender man appears and scares the living crap out of you.


Nate playing. We’re all on edge.

What’s cool about the Oculus system, as I’ve said, is the complete immersion you feel inside the game. When you’re watching others play, it’s not scary. But once you put the system on and put the headphones on, you’re in that world and you’re scared ****less. Don’t believe me? Watch this guy’s reaction. It’s indicative of how we all reacted.

All I can say about this game? Never again. Too scary.